Numbering Frame Complete System


This great numbering system works perfectly for sports numbering jobs, the frame template not only allows you to print 1 or 2 numbers, it also enables you to select the proper distance between the numbers! With this system printing numbers has never been easier! Comes complete with a master frame, 11 stretched unexposed screens, a scoop coater, and 2 squeegees.
Screen Size 7 x 13 1/2 ”
*Please call for information on replacement screens*


This great numbering system works perfectly for sports numbering jobs, the frame template not only allows you to print 1 or 2 numbers, it also enables you to select the proper distance between the numbers! With this system printing numbers has never been easier! Comes complete with a master frame, 11 stretched unexposed screens, a scoop coater, and 2 squeegees.



Screen Size 7 x 13 1/2 “

 *Please call for information on replacement screens*