Kimoplate Etch/Fountain Solution- Quart


Categories: , SKU: 12109


Processing: Any time after the plate has been imaged etching is possible. For the best results, punch the plate first and use Kimoplate Etching solution at full strength. Go over the entire plate surface with a saturated 4×4 cotton pad or process using an automatic converter. Develop with the Kimoplate Etching Solution for 20- 35 seconds over the entire plate for complete conversion to take plac(Kimoplate should be saturated). It is not necessary to apply any pressure while etching the plate, let the solution do all the work.

Fountain Solution: For 1 quart of working strength fountain solution for a water based press, mix 1/2 ounce of Kimoplate Etching Solution with 31.5 ounces of water.

For an alcohol press, the fountain solution mixture is 2 ounces of etch to a 1/2 ounce of alcohol to 29.5 ounces of water. 

The pH should be 5.0 – 5.5 after mixing. When the plate has been mounted onto the press and your fountain solution has been made, take a 4×4 cotton pad, dip it into the new solution and wipe the whole plate so it is saturated, or simply drop the water rollers for approximately 20 cycles, before applying the ink rollers, to moisten the plate. The plate is now ready to run. If you stop the press for any longer than 5 minutes, rewet the plate.