ABSORBENT MATS, 15 X 19, pkg of 100
Soak up both oil and water-based, non-aggressive liquids
Use for routine maintenance and repair work wherever spills, drips, or leaks are likely to occur
Socks act as a barrier to prevent the spill from spreading further. They can encircle the affected area
creating a containment barrier and restricting the movement of the spilled liquid
Spill socks are often designed to be absorbent, helping to soak up and contain the spilled liquid
Absorbent pads are typically lightweight and easy to handle, store, and deploy. They can be quickly placed in strategic locations to address spills or leaks as soon as they occur, minimizing the potential for further damage or contamination
Overall, absorbent pads are valuable tools for managing spills, maintaining safety, protecting the environment, and ensuring regulatory compliance across various industries and applications